Dreams App - Ending Experience Design
Dreams is an app mainly for those who are not that familiar to save money on their own. The app encourages its users to save money by gamification and gratification which makes the process of saving money fun.
My role
I was responsible for parts of the strategic research of this project doing desktop research, a summary of the user surveys, user interviews, wire-framing, user flow, and Ui-Design.
Quick Overview of the Project
The app is lacking a proper off-boarding experience and the user is being left unsatisfied when reaching or ending a dream.
How can Dreams improve the completition flow of reaching a dream?
Just a few percent do actually reach their dream…
About 42% of the users in a survey answered that they feel failure or disappointment in themselves when having to cancel a dream before reaching the goal.
Dreams is an app that helps ordinary people that is not that proficient with saving money by taking small amounts and putting them in another bank account. The user can without effort save money towards a specified goal (dream).
As of today, the app is lacking a proper off-boarding experience and the user is being left unsatisfied when reaching or ending a dream.
How can Dreams improve the competition flow of reaching a dream?
We started off by conducting a survey into a Facebook group hosted by Dreams with over 3000 active users. This helped us through the whole design process since we also used this group to receive qualitative user interviews as well.
One key insight is that just a few percent do actually reach their dream and that can depend on a few different factors such as the user taking out the money right before reaching the dream or that the user got a new more important dream and transferred that money to another dream instead.
About 42% of the users in a survey answered that they feel failure or disappointment in themselves when having to cancel a dream before reaching the goal.
The users often save for something large like a new house or travels and saving money takes time so the majority have never experienced the competition of a dream.
Some users also felt the need to be able to pause their dream due to financial difficulties at the moment but there is no official pause function so giving up on the dream prematurely is the only way to end it.
Here you can see the view the user gets when ending a dream as of today.
This phrase does not make the user feel more confident when having to end a dream prematurely.
"Oh no! Are you sure you want to give up on this dream? -”Give up”.
The solution
After all of our insights, we decided to rephrase the brief since we found out how few actually reach their dream and put our focus on the majority instead.
How can Dreams improve the user experience of canceling a dream?
Today many of Dreams values, goals, and functions can be achieved through coaching but that is only true at the beginning of the user journey. Later on, the user is being left without much to any support from the app. This leads us to a new concept.
Updated Concept
Our new concept takes the coaching mentality towards the ending experience as well as making the whole app feel more connected. Now we have added a more neutral yet supportive tone of voice that plays on the "sometimes you need to take a break and that's alright" -kind of coaching, without adding any value to what the user wants to do with their saved money.
We have added a new updated flow where the user can press the delete dream button which leads to the transfer options, send the money to another dream or send it all to your bank account.
At the end, the user gets to an optional self-reflective part where there is a recap of different in-app goals the user has reached and the ability to write down some thoughts on the saving process which the user also gets to do at the beginning of a dream. This stage helps the user to reflect on what aspects were easy and which things that were hard to be better prepared for future savings.
Soft ending
Based on our insights we also created an official pause function where the user can easily pause their dream so no money will be transferred until it's resumed again.
The coaching concept now works throughout the whole app. The user first creates an action plan and an attractive target image. In the end, the user gets encouraged to reflect and gain insight into its previous action plan. As well as an alternate way of reaching the goal by taking a pause.